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Ikigai – a reason to wake up in the morning

Why do you get up in the morning? Does an answer come into your mind straight away? It does for the people in Okinawa, and it thought to be one of the key factors in their longevity – estimated to lengthen the lives of the people by 7 years!  Ikigai is kind of like the French raison d’etre – ‘a reason for being’. It could be a creative passion, your relationships, your job…  Everyone has a ikigai, even if you don’t know it yet.

In Okinawa they do that thing they love until they die. Why do we focus so much on retirement? If we were doing jobs that we enjoyed, if we were living our life for a purpose other than money, one would think that we would never want to finish. According to the TED Talks that inspired this entry, the most dangerous years of your life are the year you are born (because of infant mortality) and the year you retire. People die after all those years of working something they hate, because after all that they don’t know what they love! That’s how important a sense of purpose is…

Does anyone else think it’s strange that there is no simple English word for ikigai? Do you think this is intentional… assisting the transition from people into “human capital”/money-making machines?

Another couple of good tips for a long life as enjoyed by the people of Okinawa included:

hara hachi bu – eating until your stomach is 80% full

– eating lots of plant products

– your choice in friends (friends who lead healthier lifestyles will see you lead a healthier lifestyle)

– NO exercise – well at least no gyms (walking and activities for enjoyment are much better than segmenting and separating the different needs of our body)

I recommend checking out the full TED Talks with Dan Buettner “How to live to be 100+” – he also goes to Sardinia and this article too

Personal side note – I’ve come down with a head cold so if this things I write don’t flow very well that is why. Maybe expect a couple more short entries like this while I can’t think straight enough to finish up that October Peace & Conflict Studies blog series, or to start the philosophy series I promised. I’m good at starting things and not finishing them (I think I started a “Big History” series quite a while back too). Anyway, I guess mixing it up keeps things interesting.

Hearing about Okinawa got me reminiscing so I thought I’d post a few photos of foods from Japan. Seeing as some of the other photos had me falling off my chair I might have to put them up soon too. Unfortunately I wasn’t into photography back then – so they are just point & shoot or keitei (mobile phone) shots. Man this feels like a life time ago…

How my day got better.

After facing rejection and depression that followed some emails and the lecture on Palestine and Israel, I went to the library and found myself inside my own little metaphoric story:

I was looking for a book but I couldn’t find it. The number system can be confusing in Fisher library (which is MASSIVE) but I thought I had it mastered. I checked the shelves where books that had just been returned go, then I checked the front desk, then I rechecked the computer, then I decided to go up the six flights of stairs for one final look.

I still couldn’t find it.

Then, just before giving up, I had a look one more time at the stacking shelves. I realised that the books on these shelves were not in order – searching through title by title I finally found the book I was looking for. It had taken almost an hour, and had sent me around and around in like circles, but eventually I succeeded.

If you fail then try and try again I advised myself, applying it to my previous nihilism, even if you feel you are going around in circles, you will soon realise it’s a spiral, and you are closer to your objective.

Leaving the library I met a friend to try a new yoga studio. Meeting my friend my mind was still a bad place, complaining about all that had happened. Then, in a room heated to around 30 degrees but doing a lighter yoga than bikram, I found my peace. It was intermittent – moments in the relaxation and meditation time and when the entire room of around 50 people were humming ‘Om’ coordinated only by our different breathing lengths. Here I felt my mind and body unified as one. Even if it only lasted a few minutes, this sense of peace reminded me of two things: peace might not last forever, but it is possible, and peace starts within.

This feeling of peace inside me may not last forever, but some remanence of this feeling is still with me now, some two and a half hours later. And I’m sure I’ll continue to reap the benefits of the feeling of balance as I go to sleep and maybe even tomorrow. Yoga helped me deal with my day. Hopefully the destructive part of my mind will allow this constructive practice to spiral me upward – inspiring me to go to more yoga classes and furthering this feeling of united mind and body. It really feels great!

If this scenario plays out I might look forward to reaping the corresponding mental and bodily health benefits and the compounding life benefits that come with that. Fingers crossed this is my new story – but you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Taking the long way home

2am Saturday morning

Isn’t it funny how when things change, it’s usually overnight. One day I have a social life – like every day and every night filled with some kind of pre-organised plan. And the next – NOTHING. Not one little thing. Oh yeah, a sailing outing for my Dad’s birthday, but that doesn’t count. Family may be the most important thing in the world but they do not constitute a “social life.”

So here I am, getting what I wish for, again. This time it’s time. Time I had been missing due to social life, that I wanted to be spending in front of my books and computer. Then, I get time, and what happens? I’m bored. They do say to be careful what you wish for… that grass is always greener.

What do you do when most of your friends are hitched or pregnant and you don’t even have so much as a little crush? While the logical answer is “turn back to your books”, the more fun answer tonight was (borrowing a lyric from The Beautiful Girls) take the long way home…

“You want a lift to Central?”

Porque no!” I answered, why not – my awesome new shoes had given me a blister so cutting my walk home into two wasn’t a bad idea.

Jefferson, a fellow CPACS student, was going to a weekly event called Politics in the Pub at the Gaelic Club – something I’d always meant to check out but never quite made it. After 10-hours at uni (half work half study) a beer and opinionated people sounded far more exciting then going home to more books.

So I joined a room full of people, most over 60, to watch a doco on Tibet and listen to a young Tibetan tell his story (an issue I’ll talk more about another day). Two beers later I found myself txting my Saturday morning running partner – about not going running. “What u up to 2nite?”

“Heading to Bavarian Bar on York Street to meet for beers with work mates. You’re welcome to join.”

When the political upheavals had settled down I replied… “Porque no!!!”

And before long I found myself walking down George Street, following Google Maps to York when (I kind of feel like I’m reading a child’s storybook when I say this) on the way….

I realised (again) that walking down George Street I was a minority among mainly Japanese (confirmed when I overheard “Oskalasamadesu!”) and Chinese and Korean and Indian and a few other nationalities mixed in there.

“I’m a tourist in my own city,” I thought, recognising the (albeit slight) similarity to the evening’s Tibetan speaker who spoke of needing an interpreter to travel in a taxi in his own country. His native Tibetan language was no good anymore – not even in Tibet 🙁 Don’t get distracted Juliet – one story at a time.

So I thought I’d play a game and pretend I was a tourist in Sydney.

I stopped to take pictures with my iPhone – “that might be useful for something,” I thought. Two beers on an empty stomach will do that.

By the time I reached York St I felt like I’d travelled back to Japan

-have you ever tried Pepper Lunch?

And Europe (a lot of Germans out in Sydney last night)

And Argentina….

The Argentineans were my favourite. I even went to the convenie to get some change to add to their stash. What a story!

These two adventurers had been through (see map above) South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, and now Oz. Soon to go home? NO! They had just started. Next New Zealand then Japan then China and Russia  and more of Africa and North America and the east coast of South America… Ahhhhhh!!!!! What a trip!


Ok, back to last night…

Eventually I made it to the Bavarian Bier Cafe. Following a shared “taster” round of German beers, reminiscing Munich and Berlin, with my running friend and his buddies, it was time to move on. Home? Not yet.

“Grasshopper. Grasshopper. I’m sure I know that place…” I said, trying to figure out why. “You must have told me about it,” I accused my friend, who has a habit of telling a lot of stories about Sydney nightclubs. It wasn’t until I’d walked down the alleyway and my friend was knocked back entry (too many beers) that I realised why. “Oh my gosh!” I almost screamed (maybe I’d had too much too). “I took photos here!” Suddenly I realised why I knew Grasshopper – this was where the Inspire Ball was held – the “dress as something that inspires you” charity event. “Sydney’s first laneway ball” – where I was the volunteer event photographer (if you follow this blog – the devil/angel yin/yang costume). Sorry that’s totally useless information unless you happened to catch that entry of this blog. Anyway it was exciting for me, briefly, and then we moved on.

As time goes on and so do the night. In my retro black and fluoro pink sneakers, black mesh jacket, denim shorts and leggings (working at a university has it’s advantages) I tagged along the bar up the Hilton (sorry Sydney, I totally forget it’s name), and then to The Cross. Kit & Kaboodle (no idea how it’s spelled) and the somewhere else, and now home.

Home sweet home.

“The best thing about a night out is the shower at the end of it,” I remember a girl in a bathroom in some random club saying to me.

Given the choice I must say I do prefer a book or movie over and above a night among too many weird and wonderful people that go out to these places. Courtesy of my samba class dancing last night was A LOT OF FUN but I tend agree with the chick in the bathroom: the best thing about the night was the shower at the end of it.

One more comment, in case you are actually interested in someone else’s own strange habits… it’s now 2:30am and I’m finished my little rant on about whatever the heck I’ve filled almost three pages worth of words with. I am a little cold (sitting on the floor on my favourite cushion with a towel wrapped around me and my windows open) and VERY glad I have returned to my old habit of switching to water when I know I’ve had enough. Now I am ready for one final glass of water, a dash of moisturiser, and a good night’s sleep.

What will tomorrow bring? I have a feeling it probably won’t include that run.


More about Julian, Lorena and Little “Trico”s long trip home at:


My Blog’s Birthday: One Year On

Birthdays, for me, are a time of reflection. I started this Blog on the 7th of September 2009, which means I have just missed its one-year birthday. That makes it due time to reflect and evaluate this blog: where it’s come from, where it’s going, and why. And I would like your input.

This blog’s subtitle was initially a quote from the Alchemist, “When you want something, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it”. It has evolved over time. For a while it read, “A Pursuit for Truth, Beauty, Love, and Lasting Satisfaction,” and now it reads more simply, “A paradoxical journey toward Truth.”

Be it through photography, travel, sharing life experiences and through more academic research, everything that I am doing appears to ring true to this purpose: a quest for Truth. I realise the paradoxes surrounding this pursuit: is there such thing as Truth? Won’t your truth always be relative to mine? And these paradoxes make this journey of life every so much more fun.

Where did this blog come from?

One year ago I had already spent two years quenching my thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world. Rewinding these three years, I guess my “search for truth” began when I packed up my apartment in Tokyo, abandoned my slow-building career in Vienna, and moved into my Opas house. I knew modelling wasn’t a long-term prospect, so I had to figure out what I was going to do with my life. It was time to “skill up” as I called it. At my Opa’s place I studied to be a Pilates teacher, a photographer, and I taught myself history and evolution and about other religions – all the other things I missed out on at my Christian school. Six months later I still didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I followed my Dad’s advice: I went back to uni. Unlike the study I’m sure he had in mind (more boring money-related disciplines like business, finance, law, and marketing – my undergraduate majors), if I was going back to uni, I was going to learn about life.

I was going to study something that wouldn’t help me get a job, but would be fun: The Arts. Majoring in “Peace and Conflict Studies” offered me the broadest base of life subjects: history, psychology, politics and philosophy, all presented in relation to what seemed to be at the crux of all human issues: conflict, violence and peace. This blog started three-quarters the way through this Masters degree. If you were to read this blog from the beginning you would tune into the thought processes that began as this episode of study was coming to an end.

Where is this blog going?

As I learn, I will share. Even without the scholarship I had hoped for I have decided that I’m not going to give up my research aspirations and dedicate my life to money. I will continue in academia, paying my own way through. So when it comes to this blog, it will surely continue along the lines of a pursuit for Truth, contemplating the paradoxes that arise along the way.

Before I share my current research, I think it is beneficial to revisit the foundations of my research – the two-years of the search for truth from before this blog. I shall dedicate blogs for the month of October to “Mastering Conflict”. Using old writings and journals I shall tell the part of the story that has thus far been missed. I shall revisit the core concepts of Peace and Conflict Studies, which you will might find useful to apply to various conflicts in your own life.

November onwards, this blog will probably take a philosophical turn, following the thoughts and discoveries of my new research project. As I’ve mentioned previously, my new research will be for a Master of Philosophy (still in Peace and Conflict Studies) – focused on Narratology (the study of stories), Process Philosophy/Theology (the idea that nothing is ever static) and Panentheism (the idea that everything is inside “God” ie God is the personification of The Universe, and whatever might be outside our universe too).

Last question: Why?

You may wonder why am I dedicating my time to “search for Truth”. Why search for something you will never find? The answer is quite simple: because I enjoy it. I love learning. I love writing. I love increasing my understanding of the world, and I love being able to share that. I figure it is rare to land oneself in a position where they can do this, so I best make the most of the opportunity. I have this chance only because I was born in Australia where they provide an allowance for people living and caring for the elderly. By moving in with my Opa I lived like a retiree for two-and-a-half years – reading and reflecting on life. These factors, combined with the fact that my childhood dreams have already come true (modelling, fall in love, travel the world), leave me the remaining 70-or-so years of live to dream even bigger. And there ain’t no bigger nor more impossible dream than Truth.

I would love to know which entries you enjoy most – the peace/conflict ones, the photos, travel stories, religion, relationships, personal life? Please email me or add a comment on this site or on facebook and let me know.

I am very happy to tell you that viewership of this site is growing and today I checked google analytics and it said that in the last 30-days there have been 999 “absolute unique viewers” and 1633 visits!!! (I’m pretty excited!) So… I would like to thank you for reading. I would also like to say a special thank you to those who leave comments – I’m sure everyone else appreciates reading your views too.

I would love to grow these numbers, but this depends on you guys. If you like this blog then please make an effort to recommend it to a friend or two so that more of us can share the paradox-filled journey.

Thanks again!

Juliet xx


Taken on 25/12/2006 – the Christmas I shocked my mum by turning up on her doorstep after about 100 hours on trains, buses, taxis and planes in transit from Vienna to Paris to London to Singapore… I wouldn’t want to do that again. For Christmas with the family after years away, a hot Aussie summer, and a major change in life trajectory – it was worth it.

Practicing what I preach

“It’s easier said than done.” I think we all have discovered this at some point or another. A couple of weeks ago I was struggling with a few big decisions and I punched the following rant into my phone on my way to work. In short, I consider the relationship between money, stories, optimal-trajectories, and the dynamics involved in putting these into practice. It’s not always easy to practice what you preach…

When you are happy, it’s easy to say that if you’re not happy you should change something. Figuring out what to change and actually changing it is another thing altogether.

When you have enough money to do the things you want to do, it’s easy to say you don’t care about money. It’s easy to say that you let creative passions & intuitions guide your life, and never money be a driver in your decisions.

When doors are opening as you approach, it’s easy to say it’s because you are “following the signs”, “listening to your intuition”, and “traveling along your optimal trajectory”.That’s easy when you feel like you’re in sync with the universe. During times where everything is falling into place without so much as a hiccup or a sneeze, it’s easy to preach about optimal trajectories. As long as the traffic lights are green, you can keep going. But what happens when you start to get caught at reds? Is this a sign that you’re going the wrong way?

Sometimes  “the signs” are blurry. It can seem as though a sign is pointing in many directions, and there is no way to know which road you should take.

I have faced some roadblocks in this last couple of months.

First, I found out I not only missed out on the scholarship, but my grades were 1.5% too low, making me ineligible to even apply for it. Second, my iMac broke. Third, the editor I hired to give me feedback and correct the grammar on my book had been taking forever.

What was “the universe” trying to tell me?

“Maybe that door’s closing,” suggested my Dad. “Maybe it’s time for a career change.” Subtext: go and get a “real job” in the business world, enjoy the money and security it brings.

It did seem like my plans to do a PhD over the full-time for the next three years with a scholarship – was a door firmly closing on me. And how can I survive without income? A part-time PhD will take forever. If not a PhD, what was I supposed to do?

Like always, I gave the business option some thought… Is my dad right? I am 28 now… Does this mean it’s time for me to “settle down”, get married, get a proper job, a mortgage, and start having babies???

Suddenly I wanted to puke.

I hate that word: “settle”…

It implies compromise.

It implies giving up on dreams.

It implies letting fear lead you to live a life you don’t really want to live.

Life’s too short for that.

From these thoughts and feelings I concluded that the “settle down story” is not the optimal trajectory for me.

Is it a sign that I should pack up my apartment, downsize to a backpack, and travel the world some more? Maybe. But then what about the research I so much want to do? What’s more important for me to do at this stage of my life?

My research thus far into narratology led to some interesting self-reflections on these thoughts. I was clearly looking for a new story. I wanted a story that explained these mishaps and which would set me up on a new trajectory, preferably the one that is optimal for my life.

What was I doing even considering the settle down option? After all I write about on this blog: about not letting money guide my decisions; about how I’m happy to live without security or a fixed plan; and about how important it is to follow one’s dreams… and yet another part of me was saying, “it’s too hard, the door is closed, it’s not meant to be.” I guess yin and yang of life means that no matter how much you believe in freedom, the voice of fear will always creep up inside you.

Am I going to let fear guide my future? No-sir-ee I am not.

I observed as my mind processed the variables, and contemplated possible scenarios. I watched as my mind sought more signs, did more research and tried to connect with “that” feeling one gets inside – that feeling of intuitive satisfaction one feels when they imagine living out a particular future.

I observed as my mind selected one story:

I was “meant” to continue my research without a scholarship. I could start with the smaller research degree – a Master of Philosophy – and then, should I feel so inclined, I could use this degree to get a scholarship and do a PhD after that. Yes it means more work, but maybe is part of the journey I am supposed to take. Yes. I would continue. I love what I’m studying, so why should I let a money-related issue stop me from doing it?

After I had decided on this story I suddenly felt great.

I felt relaxed, and full of an energy I hadn’t remembered experiencing in a long while. The kind of energy that seems to appear when you are connected to the universe. It’s almost drug like – this energy that seems to enter you from no-where – similar to when you do lot of exercise, eat a lot of chocolate, or fall in love. It wouldn’t surprise me if when one feels they are on their optimal trajectory, the same happy buttons in our brains light up.

Observing this mental process, and the emotions and feelings that connected with different stories, got me wondering about self-determinism and predestination.

Is your optimal trajectory something that you choose, or something that chooses you?

This entry has gone long enough. So I’ll finish there and revisit this question tomorrow…

Photo credits

Photographer – Gilbert Rossi

Homoerotic “platonic” eulogies to Love

“I have to tell you that I’m really in a pretty bad state from yesterday’s drinking, and I could do with a break. I think the same goes for most of the rest of you as well, since you were there yesterday. So what do you think? How can we best make our drinking easy on ourselves,” says Pausanias at near the beginning of Plato’s Symposium… ‘at this, everyone agreed not to make the party a drunken one, but to drink only for pleasure.’

And from there, this group of homoerotic philosophers take turns in sharing their respective eulogies to the personified god Love.

While the eulogies appear to me as if they are largely motivated by the old philosopher’s need to justify their lust and sexual relations for young males (to them, a fair exchange of beauty for wisdom), this night of drunken philosophy shines a light on many of the forms that love can take and reminds us of the power this force has on our lives.

While Plato admits that ‘Aristodemus couldn’t quite remember every detail of everyone’s speeches, and I don’t remember everything he told me either,’ he promises to give us ‘a pretty accurate report of what he remembered of each speech, at least to the aspects which have stuck in [his] mind.’

The text is the furthest thing from one would expect considering our use of the term ‘Platonic love.’ The words Plato puts in the mouths of his friends presents an incredibly passionate, lustful, and sexual love, with philosophically universal implications. Plato relates love to the desire for happiness and hence goodness, immortality and hence procreation – namely through beautiful mediums. Plato takes love and one’s desire for immortality beyond physical procreation, to the offspring of ‘mental’ pregnancy including ‘above all virtuous deeds, educational discussions, works of art, and legislation.’ (208c-209c)

I like this idea – the idea of creativity as a source of immortality – I suppose if you’ve read my stuff on “creativism” you already know that…

One of my favourite perspectives of love comes from the comic poet Aristophanes. If you are too lazy to read this quote, then skip it and watch the clip from Hedwig and the Angry Inch (a very funny movie my friends showed me in Berlin a long while back) which will sing you through the story:


Aristophanes tells us about the origins of Love:

‘the starting-point is for you to understand human nature and what happened to it… Firstly, there used to be three human genders… a distinct type of androgynous person…

‘secondly, each person’s shape was complete: they were round, with their backs and sides forming a circle. They had four hands and the same number of legs, and two absolutely identical faces on a cylindrical neck. They had a single head for their two faces (which were on opposite dies), four ears, two sets of genitals, and every other part of their bodies was how you’d imagine it on the basis of what I’ve said…

‘[The reason] is that the original parent of the male gender was the sun, while that of the female gender was the earth and that of the combined gender was the moon, because the moon too is a combination, of the sun and the earth. The circularity of their shape and their means of locomotion was due to the fact that they took after their parents…

‘Now, their strength and power were terrifying, and they were also highly ambitious. They even had a go at the gods… So Zeus and the rest of the gods met in a council to try to decide what to do with them…

‘After thinking long and hard about it, Zeus said, “… What I’m going to do is split every single wone of them into two halves; then they’ll be weaker, and at the same time there’ll be more in it for us because there’ll be more of them. They’ll walk about upright on two legs. If in our opinion they continue to behave outrageously,” Zeus added, “and they refuse to settle down, I’ll cut them in half again, and then they’ll go hopping around on one leg.”

‘It was their essence that had been spit in two, so each half missed its other half and tried to be with it; they threw their arms around each other in embrace and longed to be grafted together.’

When we were beginning to die of starvation and apathy Zeus took pity: ‘he changed the position of their genitals round to their fronts. Up until then, their genitals too had been on the far side of hteir bodies and procreation and birth hadn’t involved intercourse with one another, but with the ground, like cicadas…

‘Love draws our nature back together; he tries to reintegrate us and heal the split in our nature. Turbot-like, each of us has been cut in half, and so we are human tallies, constantly searching for ou counterparts. Any men who are offcuts from the combined gender – the androgynous one, to use its former name – are attracted to women, and therefore most adulterers come form this group; the equivalent women are attracted to men and tend to become adulteresses. Any women who are offcuts form the female gender aren’t particularly interested in men; they incline more towards women, and therefore female homosexuals come from this group. And any men who are offcuts from the male gender go for males. While they’re boys, because they were sliced form the male gender, they enjoy sex with men and they like to be embraced by men… I know they sometimes get called immoral, but that’s wrong; their actions aren’t prompted by immorality, but by courage, manliness, and masculinity… There’s good evidence for their quality: as adults, they’re the only men who end up in government.’ 189d-193a.

Don’t know how much Tony Abbot would like that little remark.

In sum, says Aristophanes, “Love” is ‘just the name we give to the desire and pursuit of wholeness… We human beings will never attain happiness unless we find perfect love, unless we come across the love of our lives and thereby recover our original nature. 193c.

So far, in reading homoerotic Symposium’s thoughts on love, I most like the way that Robin Waterfield sums up parts of Socrates’ speech in her Introduction: ‘if I am in love, many things about the world, not just the immediate object of my love, seem lovable. To say “I love X” is somehow really to say “X inspires love in me”, and that love then attaches itself to object other than X as well.’

I guess this Symposium reiterates what we probably already know: there are lots and lots of different forms of love, love changes forms, it knows know boundaries, and it inspires all the good things life has to offer. So, cheer’s to Love!

Inspire: To Be Inspired – Sydney laneway ball photos

Event photography at a fundraiser for The Inspire Foundation – a charity established in direct response to Australia’s then escalating rates of youth suicide. Dress as “something or someone that inspires you”.

I was an angel AND a devil, with the philosophical justification that the existence of opposing forces keeps me challenged, engaged, and inspired.

More photos from the ‘To Be Inspired’ Laneway Ball are on facebook: Click Here

The eye of the storm and the calm that follows.

I knew my final peaceful week of yoga and relaxation in Pokhara was the calm before the storm, and boy I was right. The eye of the storm hit the day I arrived home with every day and night packed full-to-the-brim with hens parties, farewells, birthdays (including my own big two-eight), shopping, weekend weddings, welcome-home celebrations, and a five-day International Peace Research Association conference where I photographed, attended, networked and presented.

A coffee, sugar and chocolate addiction later, yesterday the storm let out it’s final blow. I went cold turkey. I felt depressed. I was mentally and physically exhausted. But with the help of family, friends, and a laugh (and little cry) watching Toy Story 3, I got through the day.

Today the storm has calmed, and the sun is shining. How one can go from down and depressed to up and happy overnight I don’t know. Maybe there is something to the New Moon thing? Today even news of not receiving the PhD scholarship I’d been hoping for hasn’t got me down.

While I could be worried about my future, now not having my next few years secured, I’m not. These things happen for a reason. Good thing a few days ago I accepted a part-time admin job at my university’s Centre for Peace and Conflict studies – at least I’ll have a little money coming in to survive on given my savings are almost sucked dry.

On a positive note, I received a dose of independent feedback from an editor about the second draft of my book (the one about South America) and guess what? Someone who doesn’t know me actually enjoyed reading it!!! But at 450 pages still too long. Begin Draft Number Three…

I’m getting sidetracked. I would like to apologize for the lack of entries over the duration of this storm. And now for this long rant about my own life.

The point of this entry is to prepare you for the entries to come. Now the storm is over I finally feel ready to process and publish the daunting thoughts that have come from the leftist idealism that experienced at the peace conference juxtaposed with the more right-wing conservatism resulting from my experiences in India.

I have a lot of interesting (and controversial) entries written in my head so it’s just a matter of getting them out in a way that makes sense.

A warning: while I don’t want to offend, in the name of a “pursuit for truth” I will continue my overtly honest style of writing. I write what I think. That’s what I do. And I hope that anyone reading my thoughts will be able to empathise with the lens from which they come from, and engage with me in a dialogue if you have an opposing view. Or if you agree – I really love hearing your thoughts.

No idea is static. No thought is ever permanent. While this is the danger of writing down one’s thoughts, my hope is that because on this blog so many of thoughts are being shared, and because one can see that such thoughts change quite rapidly, the process of dynamic thought is in some way being captured. The pluses and minuses of the live nature of blogs…

So please, when reading the entries that follow in the weeks (or years) to come, take them as snapshots of a thinking process – thoughts and perspectives as they develop over time. And know that they are coming from a somewhere that (at least what I perceive to be) a peace-loving, truth-loving, people-loving and planet-loving place.


Uyuni Salt Lakes, Bolivia. Only the most beautiful most heavenly experience of my life. There was no storm, but it looks like an eye inside a storm to me.

And now, I relax

6am “knock knock” my revolting tasting medicine (of who knows what) arrives at my door… 630 yoga; 730 walk and feed monkeys; 830 breakfast (fruit and random-looking-but-delicious Indian vegetarian goop); 10am reflexology; 1030 continue reading “Holy Cow! An Indian Adventure” (awesome book btw); 1230pm massage (naked – completely naked); 130 vegetarian lunch and more gross medicine; 230 massage (thumped with hot pounds of herbs); 3pm intermediate yoga (soooo hard); 4pm ginger tea; 5pm medicine then walk (and twist my ankle… f***); 530 ice ankle and read; 7pm vegetarian dinner; 830 my allocated turn on internet; and very soon (around 9pm) take bedtime tablets (what the HECK are they giving me?) and go to bed. This AYURVEDA retreat high up in the Indian mountains in Coonoor is HARD CORE!!!

After ten days of it I am feeling GREAT!!!

I’ve been exfoliated, oiled, pounded, massaged, steamed and scrubbed – each simultaneously carried out by two sets of from hands, from head to toe. I’ve stretched, balanced and put my body into postures I never thought possible. I’ve swallowed tablets and liquids bitter, sweet and ambiguous. I’ve managed to do without chocolate (besides a Sunday-is-our-day-off binge) and coffee and alcohol, and even gone without meat (by no choice of my own). I’ve had points on my fingers pressed while I clench my teeth in pain. My ankle (still swollen from February and no thanks to my little slip on my first day here) has never has so much attention with it’s own oil press treatments, herbal mud-masks and Reiki.

I leave feeling smoother, skinnier, healthier, and stetchier, than I have in a long time.

Here is a quick glimpse of my time here: my new friends (monkeys and more monkeys), my treatments (I’m not actually about to have my head chopped off), and the lovely mountains and people of Coonoor. Click on a photo to see bigger, and then click through slide show…



I am as ready as I’ll ever be to hit the busy city of Delhi, and (try to) enjoy a three day manic tour around the golden triangle: Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. Wish me luck.