“Good novels are written by people who are not frightened.” George Orwell.
Some of the most inspiring people in my life:
Nicole Bennett
My sister is following her heart and her passion for fashion and fair trade. Check out her designs: ENOUGH by Nicole Bennett and place an order to support the cause!

Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees
Director of Sydney Peace Foundation, Founder of the Centre of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney, social commentator and dear friend.

Rachel Carroll
My South American travel amiga, great great friend, and VERY talented Australian artist. www.rachelcarroll.com.au

The Art Tree
All the artists of “The Art Tree” – a Sydney Northern Beaches art group Rachel Carroll runs. www.arttree.com.au
Leigh Stark
Blogger, photographer & the creator of this website. Thank you so much!
www.leighlo.com & www.sackboyliveshere.com

Chelsea Haywood
Author and my wonderful Canadian friend from Tokyo. Her first book “90-Day Geisha” was released 2008 in Australia, 2009 Holland and Dec 2009 will be released in New York – check it out – it rocks!!! www.90daygeisha.com

Ana Clara Veiga
Once my roommate in Japan, Ana Clara is a very successful Brazilian model now married to a beautiful Japanese boy and now with her own fashion label Guara in Japan. www.guarajapan.com

Sawan Yawnghwe
A very successful Canadian artist based in Panzano – Florence, Italy. My distant friend.

Rory O’Donoghue
My mum’s partner, a musician and actor. His most famous role was Skinny Arthur in the Aunty Jack Show – if you haven’t seen this then you MUST check it out on youtube – it is VERY creative and a lot of fun!
www.auntyjack.org & www.arvodavo.net
Not my close friends… but some great sources of inspiration – mainly through their words, auras, talent & beauty (inside & out):

Johan Galtung – an incredible thinker and one of the key founders of my discipline: Peace and Conflict Studies. AMAZING theories on politics, peace and transcending perceived limitations with a little creativity.

Shanteram is the best book I’ve ever read – and I’m only half way… (it is VERY long!)

Some parts a little indulgent, but on the whole very inspiring. My dream is for my book to be able to inspire others as Eat Pray Love has done for many women around the world.

Conversations with God made everything make sense to me. A FANTASTIC book for anyone confusted about life.

Deepak Chopra is so great. I love listening to his audio books – a break from tiresome uni readings.
Jason Mraz… ahhhh my favourite is I’m Yours… I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. And the lyrics for Life is Wonderful…. the greatest lyrics ever, in my opinion.

Alicia Keys – well… no words can describe. Superwoman again great lyrics… brings tears to my eyes but simultaneously makes me feel a strong power. Incredible girl.

Julie Delphy is one talented creation – singing, acting, directing, … she does everything and does it well. Inspirational to say the least. Before Sunrise is one of my fav movies ever.

I have a major crush on Jim Sturgess – ever since Across The Universe – and watching the behind the scenes intensified this crush. His voice. His smile. His humour. His spirit. His eyes……………. mmmmm mmmm.
The Beautiful Girls have some of the best lyrics out there – my favourite being Cash Money that says
“It’s funny how many times they prove that the only true fortune you can save, is the Truth.”

If you haven’t heard them get onto iTunes now!
And Johnny Depp. No explanation necessary.
I draw a lot of inspiration from the beauty of nature, and from my own crazy experiences. I am particularly inspired by the way that over and over again my seemingly most unlikely dreams have come true (modeling, photography, pilates, writing, travel…..) This gives me confidence about my new dreams – no matter how out-of-reach they might seem. The next one being the growth of this blog (please recommend to others if you like it), a PhD, a best-selling book… and world peace.

Finally, I can’t talk about inspiration without mentioning my mum, my dad, my sisters, extended family, and my friends through from school to uni to various jobs to travel and all the random encounters in between – you are my biggest inspiration. Thank you for your ongoing support and unconditional love.
Last but definitely not least, my late Opa who maintained his health and sense of humour right till the end. Ask him how he is and he would cheerfully sing, “STILL ALIVE!!!” Life is a gift I too am eternally grateful for.
What I learned most from Opa is that even 100-years passes in a flash — so don’t waste a moment of it. If you’re unhappy then do something about it. The only place happiness is found is now. Seize opportunities, leave no space for regret.
As Hippocrates said, “Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience misleading, judgment difficult.”
So… enjoy this life you are experiencing, be thankful for each new day, and live each and every moment to its potential.
PS. This page is still in progress and will (hopefully) continue to be… as inspiring people continue to enter my life.