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Early days

Some of my stuff from a few years back. Most of these are from Paris and London. I can’t hardly remember the feeling of having a shaved head… it was liberating, that’s for sure.

CITIZEN シチズン リズム時計工業 RHYTHM クロック STAR WARS スターウォーズ 電波からくり時計 KARAKURI CLOCK PREMIUM/スター・ウォーズ 黒色 4MN54
【(業務用80セット)P&G アリエールイオンパワージェル 本体1kg】
【価格交渉可】 【レビュー特典付】 仏壇 モダン仏壇 家具調仏壇 IEBT-7302 18号 タモ ダーク色 ミドル色 ダウンライト付 リビング仏壇 【RCP】
【マルニ木工】 地中海 スリッパラック 5446-00-0000
大阪京菓ZRハート 10G クルクルジャンケン〔312円〕×192個 +税 【送料無料(北海道?沖縄は別途送料)】【2k】
浜本工芸 No.6000タイプ 天板 [品番:No.6004TIW100D60] (幅100cm, 奥行き60cm, ナチュラルオーク色)
ウォーターヒヤシンスシリーズ 【Wyja】ウィージャ オットマンCセット「1P+3P+オットマン」
『 ティッシュケース 24点セット 』ティッシュボックス ティッシュカバー ティッシュBOX ティッシュボックスカバー ティッシュ入れ おしゃれ かわいい 可愛い シンプル アジアン 四角 スクエア
【引違い窓】【複層ガラス-3mm】【結露防止・防犯・防音・節電・省エネ・断熱に!】【YKKap】エコ内窓「プラマードU」 W1700mm×H2000mmまでサイズオーダー(複層[ペア]ガラス-3mm)
(HARA CHAIR) ドクター ハラチェア

Enchanted Isles

This show will be exhibited in Sydney in November 2009, as the “Year of Darwin” (the 150 year anniversary of Origin of Species and Darwin’s 200 year birthday), comes to a close.

Darwin was 26 years old when he undertook his paradigm shattering expedition in the Galapagos and around South America. I too was 26 when I followed Darwin’s footsteps on what would be my own paradigm shifting adventure….

MC-30 内外兼用マットカバー
【SHURE ミキサー SCM268】 b0002jeuxm
【電波 からくり 時計】 スモールワールドソルシアF 4MN422RB06 スモールワールド Small World リズム時計 RHYTHM 電波 掛け メロディ 木枠 スワロフスキー【動画あり】【
アポロクレンザー400g 【(24本×10ケース)合計240本セット】 30-358
【GQ-C1634WS-T 】ノーリツ エコジョーズ 16号ガス給湯器 給湯専用 PS扉内設置型 オートストップ 【NORITZ】【GQC1634WST】【都市ガス/プロパン】
アコーデオンドア!トーソー アコーデオンドア クローザ エクセル TD-5051?TD-5054 パウダー
エッティンガー ETTINGER ラウンドファスナー 長財布[小銭入れ付き] ロイヤルコレクション et51 bridle メンズ【ラッピング無料】【返品送料無料】【あす楽対応_関東】
アップリカ(Aprica) [A091122] 電動ハイローベッド&チェア ユラリズム オート ネオ カンタービレBE
丸中ゴム工業 運搬車・作業機用ゴムクローラ 250×72×46(250*72*46) パターン【R】お得な2本セット!≪送料無料!代引不可≫[100309254601]ピッチ72
IBM System x3200 M3 7328-PDY 中古サーバーXeon X3440 2.53GHz/4GB/146GB×2/RAID

A short biography

Who we are depends greatly on our biography. This is a short summary of the time I have spent on this planet – providing some background to where my philosophies and theories are coming from.


I spent my first two years in Jakarta, Indonesia and traveling the world. The adventurous nature of my Dutch mum and Aussie dad seeded in me a passion for travel and I think the lovely Indonesian ladies who looked after me as a baby probably seeded in me a love for people and cultures.

IMG_30281984- 1999

Returning to Sydney my sister was born and I spent the next 15 years in the Northern Beaches attending a small Christian school in the same suburb, working as a kitchen hand in a local retirement village, and enjoyed a somewhat middle class Australian childhood.

1999- 2002

At 17 (the youngest in my grade) I followed my Dad’s advice and went straight to the closest university to my house and for the next three years I completed by Bachelor of Business (Distinction!) but again, with majors in Marketing and IT, I really didn’t feel I learned that much.

2002- 2004

I was 20 when I finished uni and after a couple of years working hard and saving up money to “see the world”.


osaka show

After a short holiday in Thailand I landed in Japan where I stayed for the year and a half that followed. Here I taught English, “acted” in TV shows, short films & commercials, and did my first on-stage parade – in lingerie!

This was a dream come true. When hairdressers turned my hair yellow, green and purple I shaved it off and was surprised when this opened an opportunity to further my dreams – in Paris!


I modeled in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Majorca, and L.A. And in-between jobs I traveled around London, Barcelona, Hamburg, Munich, to name a few. I met wonderful people and gained a new perspective and appreciation for life.

Feeling homesick for family, mangoes, beaches and everything else that comes with the Australian summer I made a rash decision: I cancelled my plans for Europe, canceled my return trip to Tokyo, and booked a ticket home, turning up on mum’s doorstep on Christmas Eve.


With an apartment in Tokyo and modeling agencies awaiting my return in Europe, I had some decisions to make. My Dad was in my ear with the typical fatherly “time to get a real job” speech and approaching 25 years old I (nearing retirement age for models) I had a quarter-life crisis and thought for a moment he was right. Selling advertising space for fashion magazines sounded like a good job that involved both but at the interviewer it was one little comment the interviewer made that changed my life.

He said, “And you know what the BEST thing about this job is? When you see the digits on your bank statement!!!” He said it with such enthusiasm. My insides curdled and I knew it wasn’t for me. But if not this, then what?


Photography? Fitness instructing? That would be a good life. My Opa (grandfather) at 91 years old had a fall and I offered to move in as I “skilled up” as I called it.

I assisted some fashion photographers, did part-time modeling in Sydney and became a qualified Pilates instructor.

I also got lost on wikipedia and in library books – teaching myself the things I’d either forgotten from my schooling, or never been taught. I was teaching myself a lot about science, history and religion – revisiting my childhood “faith” in the Christian doctrines, trying to reconcile it with my developing understanding and experience with the peoples and cultures of the world.



Realising I was never going to join the corporate world (much to my Dad’s disappointment) I took the time to go back to university and skill up more formally. Then I came across “Peace and Conflict Studies” at Sydney University, applied for a MA which I completed over the two years, making use of uni holidays to travel South America, which I am using to write a book about travel, life, love and contemplating the future.


I love learning so much that I submitted a PhD proposal on Narratology, Panentheism and Peace to start mid-2010. Prior to that I worked on submitting journal articles to get publication “points” and travelled to India to speak at a conference in Mumbai, do a yoga and ayurveda retreat in the hills of Coonoor, check out the Taj Mahal, and hang out in Kathmandu and Pokhara in Nepal.

This sent me on an adventure through Krakow, Poland, to speak at a “What is Life?” conference, and on to North Carolina, United States, to teach Storytelling (in Humanities) and co-teach War and Peace (cross-listed Philosophy and Political Science) at Lenoir Rhyne University in Hickory, for the second half of 2011.  Along the way I dedicated a lot of time to editing “My Brazilian… and a kombi named Betty”, for which I am awaiting the right publisher…



On the way home from the United States I spent time visiting friends and hanging out in Vancouver, and teaching Pilates and hanging out at my friend’s bar Encuentros in Granada, Nicaragua.

By the end of this trip I realised my home: Sydney. I moved into a house with the most creative, fun and intelligent people who quickly became some of my best friends and inspirations.

graduationI started part-time work as the Executive Officer of the Sydney Peace Foundation, a small not-for-profit organisation within the University of Sydney who award the annual international Sydney Peace Prize.

I finished my MPhil (a half-size PhD) in March 2014, and finally (on my fifth application) was awarded a scholarship to do a full PhD, beginning mid-2014.

2015 onwards:

Like anything worthwhile it’s a looooong journey, and a lot of work. But that’s what makes it great. As long as I’m enjoying the process I will continue this journey my whole life.

Through this little slice of cyberspace somewhere on the world wide web I offer my story as it unfolds. I share my spiritual, mental and physical adventure in quest of understanding peace, justice and my place in the universe — traveling, researching, thinking and creating.

For shits and giggles

Japanese TV shows, crazy photoshoots, short films and many more things to laugh at… can you guess which are wigs and which are not?!


Sakura emailsize

Sakura Wonderful Jet. A short satire film about flying in different classes.


How good is my Japanese! Shame they don’t have the English version up here, it’s actually kinda funny.

buchicomp copy

Buchinuki – I was Yamu-Chan (lamb) – the gaijin (foreigner) TV host-girlfriend of one of the Garage Sale comedians.


My first photoshoot – for a hair magazine. The beginning of the end of my real hair.


Test shoot Paris Hilton style…

bikiniroof2 emailsize

Yes, I really am standing where it looks like I’m standing. I’m glad there wasn’t an earthquake at that moment in time! Quite obviously my pre-backbend photo days.

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Sometimes I do miss this shaved head. It was so much fun!IMGP2700

A promo gig at a motorbike expo. Gosh there were some kool bikes.





 a Russian spy in the Smap Smap TV show – what a mysterious woman I am…


Snapshot from a CASIO camera TV commercial – I never saw the final result… I wonder what they replaced the green screen with…


Slendertone – a regular Shopping Channel client… I think they got a good deal – they matched the wig to the outfit and I became many people for the price of one 🙂

it ad

The Ralph holographic magazines of the future! Magazine ad for an IT company, I think.