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Chapter 6: A Secret Garden (Quito)

The girls visit the equator, change hostels, Juliet teaches a Pilates series that Rachel and Lola (and readers) can do every morning before they get out of bed. They visit a museum and journey through the history of South America, learn about indigenous cultures, learn about Amazon cocoa plants from a scientist, and party with Senor Soul (from the Lima-Guayaquil bus) and two English guys from their hostel. Juliet has her first confronting experience with poverty. Very hungover the next morning they make their way to the airport.


Chapter 5: Porque no (Guayaquil)


The girls arrive in Guayaquil hoping to meet a rich local that will sail them to Galapagos. Instead they end up at the DreamCapture hostel dealing with unexpected difficulties surrounding getting to Enchanted islands. They meet a spiritual sleeze who shares his understanding of the Mayans 2012 prophesies, takes the girls on a tour of the city and leaves them to a lighthouse lookouts, leopard-print corsets, and cocktails.

Chapter 4: The Gringo Trail (Peruvian Coast)


Travelling from Lima in Peru to Guayaquil in Ecuador on a 30-hour bus ride without so much of a 10-minute pit stop to remind our legs what the solid ground feels like. The “solid” ground wasn’t so solid for a few days after our eventual arrival. Senor Soul and Senor Romantico, our new Ecuadorian friends, kept us entertained.

Chapter 3: Jesus is Calling (Lima)

Noting that Jesus, in Spanish, is pronounced Hesoos… the name of a boy we met there…….


And yes – that is Kevin Rudd shaking hands with Mr George Walker Bush at an APEC conference in Lima while we were there. And yes – all the Aussies in the room did throw up in their mouths when they saw it… or at least roll their eyes and shake their heads…

A snippet:

‘Did you know the justification for the conquest of South America came down to the Pope?’ I asked the girls, hoping to share some of my newly gained knowledge. They shook their head. ‘Ok, get this: Jesus gave Peter responsibility over the souls of all men, who passed it on to the Pope and this legacy has passed from Pope to Pope ever since. And you see: since Jesus was God, and God created everything in the world, the Pope had a right to all the land and all the people of the world.’ I didn’t appear to be boring anyone so I continued. ‘King Ferdinand of Spain was mates with the Pope, and so a friendly exchange led to the Pope granted the right to the land of the Americas and the native peoples, to the Spanish empire.’ I was proud of my essay and happy to realise I actually had developed a good understanding of this topic. It was a satisfying to reflect on my development over the past few years. I’d gone from thinking Brazil was in Africa, to understanding the dynamics of the historical events and power plays involved in the division of colonialised areas of Portuguese-speaking Brazil, and the rest of the Spanish-speaking continent. Which, by the way, came from a treaty called the Line of Demarcation, negotiated after Portugal, outraged by at the Pope’s grant, threatened Spain with war.[1] At the time the Line of Demarcation was drawn 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands but now it has moved inland to create the shape we find Brazil today

[1] Gonzalez, and Gonzalez, ‘Christianity in Latin America: A History’, p. 28. Recorded in the Treaty of Tordessilas in 1494; and a later agreement the Treaty of Sargossa in 1529.

Chapter 2: Live Earth (Buenos Aires)

Chapter 1 is short and based in Sydney, so I’m skipping that and introducing you to Chapter 2… Buenos Aires…


A little snippet:

Stepping out of the taxi and onto the streets of Buenos Aires I had to pause and double-take. For a second I thought we’d hopped on the wrong flight – was I in South America, or Europe? Images flashed through my mind of my first step onto the streets of Paris, up the metro escalator onto expansive Avenue de Champs-Elysees, looking up to see the Arc de Triomphe and Place de l’Étoile, (the massive round-about where twelve streets meet), and my boyfriend standing there awaiting my arrival. Waiting to tell me that after five years it was over. Paris, the alleged city of love was alas not the city for my love. I trampled down on these thoughts, compressing them back down into the deep pocket of my memory where all hideous experiences and feelings hide, and returning to the present to look around: this was Buenos Aires?

You expect to feel a strong awe when in Paris, but this was South America, the “third world”, and I was not expecting it at all. I felt a sense of grandeur, of rich history and a wealthy past. The street ahead was the widest I’d ever seen, Nueve de Julio Avenue. Literally this means 9th of July, named after Argentina’s Independence Day in 1816. With twelve lanes of traffic and an extra four at each side, it takes five sets of traffic lights to cross the street – and is not something you want to do in a hurry. There are cars everywhere, and the old European-style buildings line the street sport billboard advertisements, graffiti and artworks. It has a raw dirtiness similar to Paris too, everything appears run down and un-maintained, reminding you of the highs and lows that this city has experienced. In its heyday it was as New York, London, Tokyo and Paris are today. I guess every up has a down and even the popular cities of today will one day fall. Maybe this will be sooner than later if the present economy crash and Japanese recession are anything to go by, but I hope not. I wonder which city will be the next New York? Maybe Shanghai or Dubai? Is Sydney still rising or will it crash too?

… please let me know if you have any feedback for me (encouraging or critical), or if you know a good publisher or agent…… thanks!!!

Sud Americana Landscapes

Galapagos is not the only awe-inspiring place in Latin Americaアコーデオンドア!トーソー アコーデオンドア クローザ エクセル TD-5007/TD-5008ニュートレーシー. Here are some of the most mind-blowing sights that with my camera I did it’s best to captureビタクラフト ヘキサプライ 両手鍋深型 No.6128.プレゼント 誕生 ギフト 赤ちゃん お祝いプレゼント ギフト ファミリージュエリー 幸せの守護石ペンダント ママ6月 ベビー12月 パパ10月 出産祝い 記念.萩原 texens(テクセンス) 2シーター TSS-2411 4934257198752 【代引き不可】.

Uyuni Salt-Lakes★ポイント最大7倍★【全国配送可】-皮下脂肪厚測定器 TKK5011a 型番TKK5011a asn0-761-02 -【医療・看護用機器】, Bolivia saltyandsweet








DSC_0412 copy

bolivia flamingos


Lake TiticacaPoEインジェクタ内蔵 同軸ケーブルでPoE(+)延長 MaxiiPower Vi2600シリーズ[Vi2601]【RCP】, Bolivia

lake titicaca donkeys

lake titicaca2

El Calefate手洗い器セット, Patagonia

el calefate

porto moreno glacier

Iguazu Falls

iguazu argentinaDSC_1277 copy

Salvador10個セット 小鍋 鉄赤5号平鍋(萬古焼) [ 17 x 15.5 x 7.5cm 身4.3cm ] 料亭 旅館 和食器 飲食店 業務用, Brasil

salvador bahia

salvador cocos

Rio de JaneiroEC-13 唄金具 青銅 40号 10個入 飾釘 釘隠 青銅 BIDOOR(ビドー), Brasil



アイチ?高所作業車ゴムクローラ RV060 200x72x56 色:白(グレー) 建設機械用 2本セット 送料無料!